Art installation for Kunst in het Dorp, Castle-monastery Ter Loo, Bellingen, Belgium
Sea creatures in the grass or a grassy plain as the sea. The lawnmower accentuates the absurdity and leaves the viewer questioning, is the lawnmower chasing the sharks or are the sharks chasing the lawnmower, are we in the grass with the sharks 'out of place,' or are we rather in the sea with the lawnmower as the absurd object? A surreal perspective on a real world...
New creature emerging from modern society in relation to the maritime world.
The combination of the shell and the blown-up plastic can also evoke a sense of irony or ambiguity. Shells are often seen as symbols of purity and pristine, while plastic is a material associated with pollution and its harmful effects on the environment. Bringing these two elements together, perhaps the artwork highlights the complexity of our modern relationship with the natural world.
Art installation for Berlart, an art route in Berlare, Belgium
A striking sensation, that is the impression that the viewer gets when looking at this work of art. By making the tree part of the artwork, an abstracted pregnant form is created. This symbolizes Mother Nature pregnant with new life. And like any pregnant being, she is vulnerable. In the shape you will also discover a stylized diamond. The symbolism is obvious, nature as our most precious (heritage) good. Unfortunately, nature, just like the diamond, is increasingly the subject of human occupation and greed. The color red was deliberately chosen. In art, red and green are complementary colors. Red is the color of blood and love. Blood because it symbolizes new life, our love for nature but also the destruction by mankind. Red is, as it were, the color of our destructive love for nature.
Trees @ war
Art installation in private collection, Stekene - Belgium
Rebellion of nature against environmental terrorism. Art sculpture with soundscape, so turn volume on.
That party
Art installation in private collection, Stekene - Belgium
The spectator's imagination is the artwork.
Art installation for Kunst in het Dorp, Castle-monastery Ter Loo, Bellingen, Belgium